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Let’s create flower magic together.

If you would like to know more about any of my offerings, please do not hesitate to give me a call or fill out the enquiry form.
I look forward to hearing from you!

What our customers are saying

What our customers are saying •

  • ‘a completely different experience!’

    Gail, we had such a great time on Sunday at your sunflower growing workshop. It was so good to learn and have a completely different experience! It was better than I was expecting. You covered a lot of information and I will be recommending your workshops to my friends.


  • 'The workshop content was so informative'

    Gail, your devotion to your passion for flowers and flower-lovers helped me to believe that my dream of growing a flower garden could become a reality. The workshop content was so informative. I really appreciate the comprehensive handouts to take home. We can look anything up online if we want facts or techniques, so I think it is more about your personal experiences and enthusiasm that made the workshop so special.


  • 'I have absolutely loved every minute'

    Gail, thank you letting me be a part of your workshop. I have absolutely loved every minute. I have learnt so much. I am in awe of your amazing style and generosity. Your warmth, your knowledge and your baking. I am so grateful and appreciate all of the work, time and planning that you have given to make such a wonderful growing experience.


  • 'I would definitely recommend to others'

    Gail, thank you for a most enjoyable afternoon, and for sharing your extensive knowledge on growing sunflowers. The workshop was very informative and was not too overwhelming, in relation to the information that you covered. Both the venue and the timeframe was perfect. Hosting a half day session provides flexibility to those who have busy families or sporting commitments. I would definitely recommend to others.


  • Professional development

    Oh my goodness! We have received the most wonderful feedback from our team about your PD session.

    Thank you so much for sharing your time and knowledge with us. We all walked away feeling very inspired.

    We are honestly so grateful for your input.
